Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mountain Dew Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mountain Dew - Research Paper Example The advertising campaign of Mountain Dew’s is currently directed at the right market segment in terms of age, since the new campaign targets the teenager consumers to the consumers in their 20s. The ads are made for different mediums including television and radio and a diverse lineup of up to seven celebrities has been used to tailor the appeal to the needs of regional markets. However, the use of celebrities has not been made rightly. For example, as of the year 2011 in Los Angeles, there is a majority of white persons i.e. 71.8 per cent. The second largest population is of the Hispanics or Latinos i.e. 48.1 per cent, the non-Hispanic Whites make the third-largest population in Los Angeles with a population of 27.6 per cent of the total, Asians are the fourth-largest population i.e. 14.2 per cent, whereas the African Americans are the fifth-largest group in Los Angeles with a population of only 9.3 per cent (United States Census Bureau, 2012). Taking these statistics into co nsideration, Mountain Dew should have used a white celebrity in its ad for the audiences of television in Los Angeles whereas it included Lil Wayne in the ad who is an African American. Mountain Dew does not differentiate the product from the competition but the advertising campaigns run in the past have emphasized on the products’ benefits, e.g. â€Å"Ya-hoo! Mountain Dew! It’ll tickle your innards† (Stanford, 2012) and â€Å"Shore as shootin’, there’s a bang in every bottle† (Stanford, 2012). Mountain Dew has taken certain initiatives in the right direction like introducing new varieties and different flavors in addition to the original version in the states. To make more sales, Mountain Dew needs to make new customers without loosing its old customers. There has been a decrease in the percentage of the non-Hispanic consumers of Mountain Dew from the year 2000 to 2012 by almost three per cent. This is a huge loss for Mountain Dew since the whites make 80 per cent of the total population of Mountain Dew consumers. To make new customers, Mountain Dew needs to reflect in its ads that it caters for the interests and needs of people from all races and ethnicities. While there has been a decrease in the population of whites since the start of the 21st century, there has been a corresponding increase in the population of the non-whites in the US in general and the African Americans in particular. By casting Lil Wayne in its new TV advertising campaign, Mountain Dew has provided the African Americans with a means to identify with Mountain Dew, but not the audiences belonging to other races. The ad has been made strategically since it conveys the message in catchy phrases e.g. â€Å"If you got anything from me, it’s to find your thing and do you† (Stanford, 2012). In this sentence, Lil Wayne is drawing the audiences’ attention toward Mountain Dew. To generate a more universal appeal through its campaign, a better approach would be to use multiple stars belonging to different races and ethnicities in the ads meant for all states rather than including a star from a particular race or ethnicity to ensure maximum sale among particular groups within a state instead of everybody in general. This can be achieved by including stars from different races like Lil Wayne and Jason Aldean in the same ad. This

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